Tricks on how we clean our shoes into a commercial washer
Whatever kind of life you may follow; your shoes will get dirty. The time that you earn by putting just your shoes in a commercial washer with coin receiver is precious. Maytag Commercial and Dexter Laundry having commercial washers with coin receiver give you the pleasure of earning time. In 1 and a half hour, in a home appliance washeryou have clean shoes while in acommercial washer with coin receiver in specific stores easywash Self Service Laundry you have clean shoes in just half an hour! The time that you earn by visiting an easywash Self Service Laundry store is irreplaceable. Fast washing is a real fact!
Here are four simple steps you may follow to have clean and fast washing of your shoes
Step 1
In fact great importance in washing shoes is the materials that are made of… Shoes that are made of silk or satin should be treated differently and not washed in a commercial washer. Shoes that are made from either wool or nylon or polyester can be washed in to a commercial washer. So you must visit an easywash Self Service Laundry store so that you have clean and fast washing of your shoes
Step 2
Prior to putting your sneakers on to a commercial washer with coin receivereither of Maytag Commercial or of Dexter Laundry, please remove the laces of your shoes.
Step 3
It is a good idea to put the laces into a laundry bag and if you haven’t any, please insert them into a pillowcase. Do not forget to put plenty of towels avoiding bouncing shoes noise in the drum of the washing machine.
Step 4
In order not to destroy the shoe’s fabric is good to wash your shoes in low temperature. Of course theuseof acommercial washer of Maytag Commercialorof Dexter Laundry helps you to have better “clean” results.
easywash Self Service Laundry stores that you may clean your shoes are:
Athens Zografou easywash Self Service Laundry, Oulof Palmestreet 16
Thessaloniki easywash Self Service Laundry, PanagiaDexia Street 3.